Harnessing the Power of Discouragement
In Prozac nation we need to find a way to adapt to the tools of the enemy. It’s way too easy to tune out and allow ourselves to be distracted with the many toys and temptations of the simple pleasures...
View ArticleIt's refreshing to know where the buck stops for a change, but...
A long, extended honeymoon has certainly been in order for President Obama and his administration and we have all enjoyed having adults in charge again. But at some point we really need to demand that...
View ArticleOpen Letter to President Obama: You Promised Hope
Dear President Barack Obama: Concerning your address to the nation last night...are you trying to alienate your base? Do you have a clue about how most of us feel, or is it simply that you don’t care?...
View ArticleWhy Compromise is Killing Us
This week President Clinton came out in support of the deal to reward the rich with more largess for, basically nothing other than being rich. Prosperity is a good thing and it is good when hard work...
View ArticleA Season of Happy Choices
I don’t know about you, but I suspect that many of us are very torn over who to support as the Democratic candidate for President. Senator Sanders is a liberal’s dream. He’s on the right (correct) side...
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